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Same stories better told

John T Leonard

Another couple of layers of polish with the George Lucas Special Edition treatment

In 2018, I completed, and self-published my second project, PRIMUS, a work of which I am immensely proud.

That released work, which was later picked up, and proofread by a professional publisher, was just over sixty-two thousand words in length, which at the time was considered a decent length, as I felt it was a well told story, with reviews suggesting the same.

However, having written and published over a dozen titles over the subsequent years, my writing has improved significantly in both structure and detail.

So, when I revisited PRIMUS, as part of a rebranding, I felt it fell short of the current standard, and although it was refreshing to see just how far my writing had progressing since those early days, I decided to give it the George Lucas Special Edition treatment, and give it another couple of layers of polish, in the form of another couple of drafts.

In bringing the manuscript up to my current standard, I found the word count effortlessly increased from sixty-two thousand, to over one hundred and sixteen thousand, though it remains the same story, only better told.

This has also compelled me to slow down the writing process, as I feel I may have previously been too eager to get a story told, perhaps having neglected the story telling in the process.

Read the latest edition of Primus...

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